Step 2: Understand that your DNA is the key to a healthier and longer life

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Step 2: Understand that your DNA is the key to a healthier and longer life

The reason we grow physically older as the months and years go by is because it’s in our DNA. From the time egg meets sperm and the fetus develops into a baby millions of biological events have occurred to equip us with the ability to survive and thrive in the world. It’s a remarkable program that is designed to express proteins in a timely fashion that is coordinated with growth and development that is in sync with our environment. Whether it’s hot or cold, wet or dry, day or night, sunny or shady, famine or feast, high altitude or at sea level our bodies have the ability to adapt and survive in each environment.

Clearly the program to create life is in our DNA and the program for death is inevitably there as well. Humans have a limited number of cell divisions and when certain cells stop dividing systems break down. As those systems breakdown (heart, lung, kidney, liver, cancer, etc) one at a time our lives drastically change which ultimately leads to death.

…..being young is somehow protective against cancer and heart disease. The question that we must now ask is why?

Dr. Milton Brown

Data from the US National Vital Statistics published in 2019 note that 49% of people ages 45-64 die from 2 conditions alone which are cancer (28.4%) and heart disease (20.8%). If we look at deaths between the ages of 10-24 we see that only 8% of deaths are caused by cancer (5.1%) and Heart disease (2.9%). We can safely conclude that being young is somehow protective against cancer and heart disease. The question that we must now ask is why? What is it about being young that is protective against these diseases and can we keep that protection as we get older? The answer based on the latest research is that yes we can.

Nicotinamide mononucleotide: an anti-aging supplement

As previously stated, the key is in our DNA. Numerous experiments have shown that by taking specific supplements that enhance a cells ability to protect and repair its DNA, that that will allow the organism to live a longer and healthier life. One such supplement is Nicotinamide mononucleotide.

The physiology of why nicotinamide mononucleotide helps you is complex but suffice it to say that it is the loss of nicotinamide mononucleotide as you get older that directly effects your cells ability to protect and repair its DNA. Nicotinamide mononucleotide which is a key energy source for multiple metabolic reactions in your cells decrease as you get older. In fact nicotinamide mononucleotide levels drop by half by the time we reach middle age(1). The actual cause is unclear but is thought to be due to aging of your DNA through inflammation and by the shortening of your DNA that occurs as your cells continue to divide which can also lead to DNA damage (2).

Nicotinamide mononucleotide has several roles in your cell’s metabolism such as ensuring that many enzymes work properly and carryout their cellular functions, regulating circadian rhythms and keep your mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cell) functioning properly (3). Nicotinamide mononucleotide supplementation may assist in correcting DNA damage, therefore, allowing the cell to function better and do the job it was intended to do. The proper expression of your DNA is vital to a cell maintaining its role in your body to carry out functions that keep you healthy.

Nicotinamide mononucleotide is only one of many compounds that can be called anti-aging compounds. The bottom line is that giving your cells back the proper supplements that allows them to protect your DNA should yield the biggest bang for your efforts. We know that a good diet, exercise and sleep, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol use are important for maintaining your health but that can only go so far. To stack the deck, to do something different, and give you the best chances of reaching 100 years plus in good health you will need to take supplements, such as nicotinamide mononucleotide.

If you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got.

Albert Einstein

Next Read: Understand that creating a plan of action along with consistent effort will achieve a long and healthy life

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