Step 1: Understand that aging doesn’t have to mean pain and suffering

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Step 1: Understand that aging doesn’t have to mean pain and suffering
  • Bowhead whales can live up to 200 years old. Our DNA determines our average lifespan.
  • The science of aging is being unraveled daily by scientists. The 122 year old record won’t last.
  • We can do things now to help improve and maintain our health based on the current science.

Humans and other living organisms all age due to the passing of time and we call that chronological aging. Biological aging, however, is different and is based on the programming in the organism’s DNA and that programming or DNA information can roughly predict how long that organism will live. It is easy to understand that a tree can live to over 5,000 years (Basin bristlecone pine – Pinus Longaeva) but some trees such as cherry trees live just 16-20 years. That’s a big difference even among trees.

Some mammals like the Muller’s Giant Sunda Rat (Sundamys muelleri) live just 6-12 months and the Bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) can live up to 200 years. Our DNA essentially determines our average lifespan and for humans it is 77.3 years. Male life expectancy averages 74.5 years and female life expectancy averages 80.2. During our lives we can hope to be healthy for most of it – which is to say – have a long healthspan which is the time we live relatively free from disease.

Is it possible to live to over 100 years old and be in good health?

If we could all live well into our eighties or nineties without any physical or mental limitations and avoid arthritis, diabetes, cancer, heart disease and a myriad of other illnesses that are associated with aging we would all agree we are having a pretty good life. If we were to say that it is possible for you to live until well over 100 years old with relatively minimal health problems some would say, “now you are pushing it”. Most people can’t imagine getting to that elderly age without significant health problems leading to a life of pain, suffering and debility. Who wants that???

The guiding principles of “WayBetter Health” proposes that humans that are alive now will not only shatter the current record of living to 122 years and 164 days old set by Jeanne Calment of France who passed away in 1997 but will do so with a long healthspan spending only a relatively few years without any significant ailments.

The science behind aging is being unraveled more and more each day and scientist are discovering how to not only extend life but also to extend the quality of life. Imagine being able to hike, play sports, have sex, “good sex”, well into your nineties and see your children and other family and friends grow up and be able to enjoy life with them for an extra 20-30 more years on average. For some people that would be a worthwhile endeavor.

No one lives forever but for what time we have on this earth perhaps being physically, mentally and emotionally healthy for most of that time is a worthwhile venture.

Dr. Milton Brown

Not everyone will care to do what it takes to live a long and healthy life but for those who are interested and find value in it this website will honor that commitment. No one lives forever but for what time we have on this earth perhaps being physically, mentally and emotionally healthy for most of your life is a worthwhile venture. Our guiding principle is simple, “to achieve a longer life in good health”. This is achieved by following the science based on the fundamental principle of, “Healthier DNA makes a Healthier and Longer Life”.

As you click on various articles on this website rest assured that all of the information we are presenting has been scientifically supported in either human clinical trials or within the basic principles of the science of aging. We are at the forefront of this technology and so there are very few long-term clinical trials to prove these theories. If one wishes to wait until these theories are fully proven then good luck because, more likely than not, those studies won’t happen within our current lifetime.

Formal research studies will inevitably take decades to prove or disprove many theories of aging and unfortunately most of us will not be around to see those results.

If you desire to change that inevitable outcome, and try to reach beyond the average life span of 77.4 years, which for some may also be filled with typical ailments of aging, please read on. There are no guarantees here but perhaps by implementing just a few of these principles you will have a healthspan that perhaps may exceed 100 plus years.

Next Read: Understand that your DNA is the key to a healthier and longer life

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